Terms & Conditions

The online store available at www.as-pigments.ro, hereinafter referred to as AmaPigments, is managed by S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L., with its registered office at Str. Piata Petru Maior 8 C, Mures County, Romania, 545300, a Romanian legal entity registered with the Trade Registry under no. J26/1609/2023, with fiscal registration code 49008945. Phone: +40 744 270 026.

This document, hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions," represents a distance contract and establishes the terms and conditions for the use and conduct of purchases of PRODUCTS and SERVICES sold through the AmaPigments online store.

By accepting the Terms and Conditions, you also agree to the Return Policy, Privacy Policy, as well as all other documents mentioned in this document.

S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time. Any changes to the Terms and Conditions will only apply to new orders placed after the publication of the respective modifications on this website. Therefore, please read the Terms and Conditions before each ORDER, as changes may have occurred since your last visit.

S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. makes efforts to maintain the accuracy of the information displayed on our online store. However, considering possible errors regarding this information, we specify that the images of the PRODUCTS are for informational purposes, and the delivered PRODUCTS may differ from the presentation images due to changes in characteristics or design without prior notice from the manufacturers or distributors. Please note that the color of pigments may have variations in shades for the same product code, and the product image on the site remains a single reference for all variations. Additionally, some features or prices of the PRODUCTS presented on the site may be changed without notice or may contain operating errors.

Promotions and offers on our online store are valid within the available stock limit. The promotions running on the AmaPigments online store do not cumulate with other promotions/special discount programs.

If you have any questions regarding the Terms and Conditions of use for AmaPigments, please contact us at the phone numbers: +40 744 270 026.


  • USER: a person who accesses our online store for private or professional purposes and has accepted the Terms and Conditions of use of AmaPigments by completing the registration process.

CLIENT: a user who initiates and finalizes an ORDER on the AmaPigments online store.


ABUSIVE USE: the use of our online store in a manner contrary to industry practices, regulations, or current legislation or in any other way that may harm our company or other users.

ORDER: an electronic document generated as a result of a CLIENT accessing the online store, serving as a contractual form between S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. and the CLIENT.

CONTRACT: an ORDER confirmed by S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L., in which we agree to deliver the PRODUCTS requested by the CLIENT, and the CLIENT agrees to pay for them.

REVIEW: a written evaluation by the owner or beneficiary of a product or service, a review based on personal experience and the ability to provide qualitative comments on whether the product or service meets the specifications stated by the manufacturer.

RATING: a way to express the level of satisfaction of a USER/CLIENT/BUYER with a product. The RATING is expressed in the form of stars, with each product receiving a score from one star to five stars. This satisfaction level will always be associated with the written REVIEW by the USER/CLIENT/BUYER regarding a product or service.

COMMENT: an appreciation or observation with a critical purpose, related to a REVIEW or another comment.

QUESTION: a form of addressing other USERS/CLIENTS/BUYERS with the aim of obtaining information about the products or services on that page.

ANSWER: a written response transmitted to USERS/CLIENTS/BUYERS who have asked a Question on the Site, on a specific product page. The Answer represents an explanation provided by a USER/CLIENT/BUYER to another USER/CLIENT/BUYER in the context of a discussion.

DOCUMENT: these Terms and Conditions.

NEWSLETTER: a means of periodic electronic information, namely email or SMS, about the Goods and Services and/or promotions conducted by the SELLER within a certain period, with no commitment on the part of the SELLER regarding the information contained therein.

DAYS: unless stated otherwise, the term "days" refers to working days.

Users of the website www.as-pigments.ro are kindly asked to carefully read the terms and conditions governing all operations and relationships between parties, considered as minimum provisions applicable in addition to the provisions of the current Romanian legislation. The terms and conditions may be modified at any time by updating the content of this document, and these modifications become immediately effective for all USERS.


  • S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. takes all measures to ensure that the information published on its website, including the description of the PRODUCTS and the listed prices, is, at all times, correct and complete. However, errors can occur. In such situations, AmaPigments will try to correct all errors as soon as possible. If AmaPigments finds that such an error has affected/influenced your ORDER or the validly concluded CONTRACT, it will attempt to inform you as soon as possible, offering you the possibility of reconfirming the ORDER/CONTRACT at the new value or canceling it. The following are considered errors: prices displayed with ZERO lei, prices displayed with a lower value than those in the offers presented on the site or on social networks, reduced price offers that continue beyond the announced discount period if not announced in advance, products presented as in stock that are no longer actually in stock, pictures that do not largely correspond to the color in reality, etc. Attention! Banners displayed on the site containing discounts may remain displayed but not valid, even if the discount campaign has ended. These will be removed from the site on the first working day of the calendar.

Please be aware that purchasing PRODUCTS online offers a different experience than in-store. In particular, you should know that:

  • The colors of the PRODUCTS, as presented on the website, may differ in reality due to various factors, including, but not limited to, the calibration of your monitor or phone display. With very few exceptions, most displays come uncalibrated from the factory. Calibration is a hardware process involving scanning the colors reproduced by the monitor and creating a color profile for calibration.
  • The size and shape of the PRODUCTS may be perceived differently in the images available on the website compared to reality, but S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. provides complete information about the characteristics of the PRODUCTS in the descriptions presented for each individual PRODUCT, including the quantity of the products.
  • The photos and images on the website are for illustrative/orientation purposes only. For an accurate description of the PRODUCT and the included details, you should carefully read the corresponding PRODUCT description.
  • The PRODUCTS will be delivered only to the extent they are available, and there is a risk that S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. may not be able to deliver the entire or partial ORDER. Also, S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. reserves the right to withdraw any product from sale at any time.
  • S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. makes every effort to deliver the PRODUCTS requested by the BUYER in accordance with the assumed delivery date mentioned in the delivery details email. We note that all delivery information provided by S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. (on the website, by phone, or by email) is only indicative, based on estimates from partner courier companies and may, therefore, vary from case to case.
  • Not all PRODUCTS and promotions available on the website www.as-pigments.ro will be available in AmaPigments retail stores. The prices practiced online are the same as those mentioned on the website www.as-pigments.ro and applied in AmaPigments stores, but occasionally, differences may occur.
  • S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. reserves the right to freely adjust the prices and special offers practiced, respecting legal provisions.
  • Communication with AmaPigments staff can be done through direct phone interaction with them or through the addresses mentioned in the "contact" section on the Site. In order to improve the quality of AmaPigments services, phone calls may be recorded.
  • The Seller has the freedom to manage received information without being required to provide justifications for it.
  • Deliberate attempts to introduce viruses or any other program or material that can be technically harmful or destructive are not allowed. Unauthorized attempts to access this website, the server on which it is hosted, or any other server, computer, or database related to this website are prohibited. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, you undertake not to attack this website through a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.
  • Non-compliance with the provisions of this clause will be reported to the competent authorities for the application of legal sanctions and will result in the immediate suspension of the right to use this website.
  • Although making every effort to ensure safe navigation on its website, our company cannot guarantee that the site, the servers on which it is hosted, or the emails sent do not contain errors, omissions, defects, delays, or interruptions in operation or transmission, viruses, or other potentially harmful computer components, line failures, or any other similar factors. Please be aware that you use the site at your own risk, and S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. is not in any way responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused by the use or access/visitation of the site or as a result of using the information from the site. Therefore, it is in your best interest to ensure that you have appropriate defense systems installed to protect your computer from viruses and/or any other harmful content.
  • S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. has the right, at any time, to modify, suspend, or permanently cease the online sale of PRODUCTS, in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently, with or without prior notice.


  • Access for placing an ORDER is allowed to any CLIENT/BUYER.

For justified reasons, S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. reserves the right to restrict the access of the CLIENT/BUYER to place an ORDER and/or to some of the accepted payment methods if it considers that, based on the conduct or activity of the CLIENT/BUYER on the Site, their actions could disrupt or harm in any way the activity of S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. or other customers.

In any of these cases, the CLIENT/BUYER can contact the AmaPigments Customer Relations Department to be informed about the reasons that led to the application of the aforementioned measures.

By placing an ORDER on AmaPigments, the CLIENT agrees to be contacted (by phone, SMS, or email) by the representatives of our online store.

If S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. confirms the execution of an ORDER, this will imply a complete acceptance of the terms of the ORDER. The acceptance of the ORDER by our company is considered completed when there is an electronic confirmation (email or SMS) from the COMPANY to the CLIENT, without requiring a receipt confirmation from the latter.

S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. does not consider an unconfirmed ORDER at any time as having the value of a CONTRACT. Therefore, the CONTRACT comes into effect when the ORDER is confirmed by the company.

These general terms and conditions of sale will be the basis of the CONTRACT thus concluded.

  • The object of the CONTRACT consists of the PRODUCT/PRODUCTS regarding which the CLIENT has expressed the option to purchase them by generating an ORDER on AmaPigments, confirmed by the sales staff of our company. The PRODUCT/PRODUCTS have the characteristics mentioned on the online store.


  • The price of the PRODUCT/PRODUCTS is as mentioned on www.as-pigments.ro. It can be modified at any time without prior notice. The exception is for orders that have already been confirmed. Price changes do not apply retroactively.

If the BUYER cannot be contacted within a reasonable period using the contact details provided during the ORDER process, AmaPigments will consider the ORDER canceled, and the BUYER will be notified by email or SMS.

S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. makes every effort to ensure that the displayed prices are correct. However, errors may occur. If S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. discovers an error related to the price of a PRODUCT/PRODUCTS already ordered by the BUYER, the BUYER will be informed as soon as possible about the error. In these situations, the BUYER has the option to either confirm the ORDER at the correct price or cancel the ORDER.

If the BUYER decides to cancel the Order after being informed about the correct prices of the PRODUCTS but has already paid the price of the ordered PRODUCTS, S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. will refund the price difference as soon as possible but within 10 days of the cancellation date.

If S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. has not informed the BUYER about the incorrect prices, as per the provisions of this section, and has confirmed the ORDER, the validly concluded contract will be executed accordingly, and the PRODUCTS will be delivered in accordance with the DELIVERY METHODS section below.

The displayed prices include VAT and any other taxes but do not include packaging, shipping, and delivery costs.


  • After confirming the ORDER and dispatching it, the customer will receive an email or SMS containing the transport document number (AWB) to check the transport status, the Order value, and the payment method.

S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. will fulfill its contractual obligations within a maximum of 14 days from the date it communicated the confirmation message regarding the ORDER to the CUSTOMER. If it cannot fulfill the CONTRACT because the PRODUCT is not available, S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. will inform the CUSTOMER about this situation.

S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. can deliver to the CUSTOMER a similar product at the same price if the initially requested PRODUCT is not available, only after informing and with the consent of the CUSTOMER.

The PRODUCT will be delivered to the CUSTOMER through the fast courier services with which our company collaborates, according to the CUSTOMER's choice.

After signing the delivery documents, the BUYER takes physical possession of the ordered PRODUCTS. From this moment, the BUYER assumes all risks related to the PRODUCTS, namely the risk of loss or damage.

If the BUYER is not available in person, they can designate a third person to receive the PRODUCTS on their behalf. The BUYER's representative must be a person with the necessary legal capacity, i.e., be over 18 years old, to receive the PRODUCTS on behalf of the BUYER.


  • The price, payment method, and payment term are specified in each ORDER. S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. will issue an invoice to the CUSTOMER for the PRODUCTS and services to be delivered, and the CUSTOMER is obligated to provide all necessary information for invoicing in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Payments are made in the national currency – lei, but also in euros/dollars.

Payments can be made by cash on delivery or online by card.

Cash on delivery: It is made in cash, in full, upon delivery of the PRODUCTS. In the case of PRODUCT delivery through a courier company, the payment for the PRODUCT is made after checking the parcel by the CUSTOMER. Payment will be made directly to the courier company based on a receipt.

Card payment: It is made online, in full, at the time of checkout by the CUSTOMER, through the online payment processor MOBILPAY.

Unless otherwise agreed between the COMPANY and the CUSTOMER, S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. disclaims the risks and responsibilities associated with the PRODUCTS and services ordered by CUSTOMERS when handing them over to the courier, based on a contract, or to the CUSTOMER's representative.

S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. will ensure proper packaging of the goods and the transmission of accompanying documents to the CUSTOMER. The delivery of the PRODUCTS will be made only within the territory of Romania. Ownership of the PRODUCTS and services will be transferred to the CUSTOMER only upon receipt of their counterpart.

7.1 As a restrictive measure for CUSTOMERS who do not pick up the ordered PRODUCTS, we reserve the right not to dispatch new orders without full payment in advance or even not to process orders as a preventive measure.

In the case where CUSTOMERS with unretrieved orders wish to order products with cash on delivery, they will need to pay in advance the value of the next order plus the round-trip transport cost for the previously unretrieved order, totaling 36 LEI. It should be noted that this order cannot be refused, and the customer is obliged to make every effort to receive the parcel or reschedule the courier pick-up. Refunds will not be issued for the order if the parcel is returned to the sender.


  • The following applies only to individuals according to current legislation.

According to Ordinance No. 34/2014 regarding the legal regime of distance contracts, products can be returned within 14 calendar days from receiving the parcel. In the mentioned situation, the CUSTOMER has the right to return any product within 14 calendar days from its reception and can request a refund, exchange for another product, or a voucher refund. In these cases, the refunded monetary value, replaced product, or voucher refund strictly refers to the cost of the products, excluding shipping fees.

The transport fee for the returned product or the one sent for replacement is the responsibility of the customer. The return fee is 19 lei, and an additional 19 lei if certain products are to be replaced.

In case of opting for:

Replacement with another product, it will be shipped as soon as possible (if available in stock).

Refunding the value of the product, it will be done within a maximum of 14 days from receiving the parcel with the returned products by S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L.

Refunding the value as a voucher, which can be used in a future order, it will be done within a maximum of 5 days from receiving the parcel with the returned products by S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L.

Only products that strictly adhere to the condition in which they were delivered, accompanied by the purchase invoice, are accepted for return.

The following are not accepted for return:

Products that have been opened

Products that have been tested/used

Products with damaged, broken, or removed labels or seals

Products purchased from other stores

Products not accompanied by the documents proving the purchase (invoice or receipt)

Products with damaged packaging in any way

These measures are specific to cosmetic products since their shelf life is calculated from the first opening of the packaging, and the risk of virus transmission increases with the transfer of the product to another person through usage/testing.


To return a product, follow the steps below:

Ensure that the product strictly adheres to the conditions mentioned above.

Contact Customer Relations by phone: +40 744 270 026.

Pack the product properly to protect it from shocks that may occur during transport. Products returned in unsuitable condition due to defective packaging will not be eligible for the return guarantee.

Ship the parcel to the address: Str. Piata Petru Maior 8 C, Reghin, Mures County, Romania, 545300, Phone: +40 744 270 026, through any fast courier service.

After receiving the parcel, you will be contacted by a member of the Customer Relations department who will handle the return of your product.

Attention! The responsibility for the integrity of the product during transport for its return rests solely with the customer. Products damaged during transport that were not properly packaged at the time of shipment will not be accepted for return. If the product does not strictly adhere to the conditions mentioned above, our company reserves the right not to accept the return of the products. The round-trip transport cost is borne by the customer.


  • S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. will deliver the PRODUCTS within the terms mentioned on the ONLINE STORE for the ordered PRODUCT at the date of generating the ORDER or within a maximum of 30 days from the date the CUSTOMER generated the ORDER, except unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

If S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. cannot fulfill the CONTRACT because the PRODUCT or service is not/no longer available, the COMPANY will inform the CUSTOMER about this unavailability, and the amounts paid by the CUSTOMER for the unavailable PRODUCT or service will be refunded within a maximum of 14 days.

If delivery terms cannot be met, S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. will notify the CUSTOMER about the estimated delivery completion date.

If S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. receives incorrect information regarding the invoicing or delivery of the PRODUCTS, S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. may refuse to honor the delivery without considering it a breach of the CONTRACT, or it may set a new term for order fulfillment.

The PRODUCTS sold by AmaPigments can be delivered everywhere, using the delivery method and term chosen by you when placing the order. After the parcel is dispatched, you will receive an email notification regarding the new status of the order.


To return a product, please follow these steps:

  • Ensure that the product strictly adheres to the conditions mentioned above.
  • Contact Customer Relations by phone: +40 744 270 026.
  • Pack the product properly to protect it from shocks during transport. Products returned in unsuitable condition due to defective packaging won't be eligible for the return guarantee.
  • Ship the parcel to the address: Str. Piata Petru Maior 8 C, Reghin, Mures County, Romania, 545300, Phone: +40 744 270 026, through any fast courier service.
  • After receiving the parcel, a member of the Customer Relations department will contact you to handle the return.


The customer is solely responsible for the integrity of the product during transport for its return. Damaged products due to improper packaging won't be accepted. If the product doesn't adhere to the specified conditions, our company reserves the right not to accept the return. The round-trip transport cost is borne by the customer.


S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. will deliver the PRODUCTS within the terms mentioned on the ONLINE STORE or within a maximum of 30 days from the date the CUSTOMER generated the ORDER, as specified, except unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

If the COMPANY cannot fulfill the CONTRACT because the PRODUCT or service is not/no longer available, the CUSTOMER will be informed, and the amounts paid will be refunded within a maximum of 14 days.

Delivery terms will be notified in case they cannot be met, and any incorrect information may result in a refusal or a new order fulfillment term.

Products can be delivered everywhere, using the chosen delivery method and term. After dispatch, an email notification will be sent regarding the order status.


Once placed, Black Friday orders cannot be modified. Due to potential errors, some initially added products might be out of stock. Clients will be notified via SMS, and the order will be updated, with the refund recalculated, if necessary.

To cancel orders, contact us via phone or SMS. Refusal upon courier delivery is possible.

For online card payments with missing stock, the order amount will be credited back through Netopia Payments (Mobilpay).


Products ordered on AmaPigments are shipped through partner courier services like Dragon Star.

  • Standard delivery fee is 19 lei for orders less than 500 lei.
  • Orders over 500 lei enjoy FREE SHIPPING via GLS.
  • Delivery time is generally up to 2 days for covered areas and up to 10 days for non-covered areas.

Weekend delivery is not possible, and Door-to-Door delivery is the standard. Parcels are stored for up to 3 days; after this, unclaimed parcels are returned.


Users can post reviews, comments, questions, and answers on product pages. The content may be positive or negative and must relate to product features and usage.

When posting, users grant a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, and territorially unlimited license to S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. to use the content.

Certain rules must be followed, such as using appropriate language, providing realistic and truthful information, avoiding personal information, and not using the platform for communication with the seller.


Complaints or claims related to purchased products must be communicated within 30 calendar days from receiving the order. Contact numbers for this purpose are +40 744 270 026.

Resolution of complaints or claims takes a maximum of 30 days from receipt. All written communications should be addressed to the company's physical address.


The site uses cookies for performance, visitor analysis, geotargeting, registration, authentication, and storing items in the shopping cart.

Users can manage cookie settings through their browser. Blocking cookies may affect certain functionalities.


S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. is not responsible for losses due to non-compliance with terms and conditions. It also disclaims liability for damages resulting from website malfunctions or the inability to access certain links.

The company is not responsible for damages resulting from product use after delivery.


All products benefit from warranty conditions according to current legislation and manufacturers' policies. The products are new, in original packaging, from authorized sources.


Neither party is responsible for contractual obligations' non-fulfillment due to force majeure events.


The contract is subject to Romanian law, and disputes are resolved amicably or through the competent judicial authorities.


All materials on the website are the intellectual property of S.C. AS PIGMENTS BY ALINA S.R.L. and partner companies, protected by copyright and intellectual property laws.


Product photos are informative and may differ from the actual product. Specifications are subject to change without notice. The company is not obligated for any content that does not bind the manufacturer or us to the client.